One minute everything seems to take forever and the next, 2 years have gone by in a flash! Much has happened in the past years and yet it seems like nothing at all happened. Oh, the paradox of living life here in form. And the events happening of late are quite surreal, resembling a movie I’ve seen or a great mystery novel I’ve read. Unfortunately, to me anyway, we are live, and moving at warped speeds into the Fourth Industrial Revolution, as the World Economic Forum has dubbed these times, which they and many other world and private organizations (WHO, UN, IMF, Gates Foundation….) have been planning for a long time. And yet, as with Time, there is also another space happening simultaneously, a great awakening to who we REALLY are, to all that is, to the eternal, beyond structure. What powerful and interesting times indeed! May the Light outshine all darkness and may we find our ‘right’ place in the world.
On that, may I share with you the wondrous creatures who share my studio space and around my home. Much love.