Gigi Metal Sculptress

How wonderful it is to be able to share this work! I hope you enjoy what you see and feel.


The making of my show, “Enthusiasm: Scenes from New Zealand”

Gigi Gaulin


I believe art has no map to follow; it is a process, as is anything else, and needs time and space to unfold and be expressed.

Blog Posts

Front page of the Tallahassee Democrat reads: "Artist's abstract sculptures inspired by love of animals" above headline
Metal Sculpture

Tallahasee Democrat Article July 25, 2020

The Tallahassee Democrat published an article about my work called "Artist's abstract sculpture inspired by a love of elephants, horses and more."
Toisan and Donkey

Where Does Time Go?

One minute everything seems to take forever and the next, 2 years have gone by in a flash! Much has happened in the past years ...
Metal Sculpture

A Visit to Ronald Godwin’s Metal Sculpture Shop

I had an awesome time visiting Ronald Godwin’s metal sculpture workshop in Brundidge, Alabama. The Troy Messenger posted a nice article about the visit with ...
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